Thursday 24 May 2007

PS3 for Protein Research

Finally some good PR for Sony. In a great example of open innovation, Stanford University recently used Sony Playstation 3 consoles to do some serious number-crunching research.

The BBC reports: "Attempts to understand diseases such as Alzheimers have got a boost from Sony's PlayStation 3 console. More than 250,000 PS3 owners have enrolled their console in the Folding@Home project which uses it to study the shapes proteins assume.So many have signed up that the project has carried out a year's worth of research in a month.

Proteins that do not fold correctly have been implicated in diseases such as Alzheimers and BSE.

The Folding@Home (F@H) project uses idle machines, be they PCs or game consoles, to simulate how proteins, the building blocks of life, assume the forms that play key roles in living tissue."

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