Tuesday 30 October 2007

Honey – a friendly old game

We recently completed a rather exciting project with the UN trying to work out how they might bring ethically produced honey from Mongolia to eco-hungry consumers in the UK. Not our average job, so the team made the strategic decision to start by searching high and low for anyone who might have the slightest idea what we should do.

Having spent a month on the phone to the exceptionally good natured Great British honey folk I now know the difference between a Scottish heather and a Spanish lavender, what the European Third List of Countries is, what to do with Royal Jelly, and why you can charge a tenner for a jar of Manuka! More importantly the beekeepers of Mongolia now know what it will take to bring their products to western shelves and can make an informed decision as to what that will mean to their businesses – all because of the good will of the UK’s very sweet honey community. Many many thanks! Next week it’s onto ethical fitness so if anyone’s got any ideas…

James Baderman

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